

Thorough, efficient and prolific software architect with seventeen years of professional experience in design and development. Complete understanding end-to-end: UI design; UX development and frameworks; services development and frameworks; e-commerce gateways. Tenacious problem solver with focused attention to detail. Work well and communicate effectively on a team but also highly self-motivated when unsupervised.


Software Development

HTML5/CSS3, React/Redux, ES6/Babel, NodeJS, Express, MVC.NET/C#, Javascript, jQuery, progressive enhancement, responsive design, semantic markup, continuous integration, Amazon cloud AMI, Agile certified scrum master, Atlassian software tools

General Graphics

Photoshop, Illustrator


December 2015 – present: Senior Software Architect @ Fandango, LA

January 2013 – December 2015: Front End Developer @ Precision Development, LA

  • Introduced Agile process to development and engineering workflows, increasing productivity and visibility into projects’ status
  • Lead front end developer on re-platform of CinemaNow client software: web site, Chromecast, Android TV, Samsung TV, Sharp TV
  • Architected front end framework for jQuery plugins with prototype inheritance for ease of maintenance and scalability
  • Authored lightweight responsive fluid grid CSS framework
  • Authored MVC.NET view helpers to reduce development time, reduce maintenance efforts, and increase productivity
  • Created CinemaNow UI style guide for consistent experience across all platforms and devices
  • Introduced Selenium end-to-end tests to projects
  • Lead front end developer on Target Ticket

Primary technologies: Javascript/jQuery, SASS/CSS, MVC.NET/C#, Selenium

August 2010 – January 2013: Web Developer @ Disney, LA

  • Recruited by Disney into Parks & Resorts Online (WDPRO)
  • Executed all AMI environment set up and site production as Dev Lead for
  • Led team of offshore developers as Dev Lead for Help Center project
  • Developer for ticketing e-commerce platform
  • Hack Day finalist, Pitch Off finalist

Primary technologies: jQuery, CSS2/CSS3, XHTML/HTML5, LAMP, Amazon cloud AMI, WordPress, Zend, PHPUnit (TDD), Selenium (BDD), Java-based tea templates, GoPublish proprietary CMS, Tomcat, Apache Maven, Atlassian software tools (Jira, Fisheye, Bamboo, Wiki)

April 2003 – January 2013: Sr. Web Developer/Owner @ BBID, NYC/LA

  • Freelance web design and web development for clients remotely and on-site
  • Requested by Tiffany & Co. to continue working directly with them on marketing modules and microsites after IBM contract expired
  • Create rich front-end interactivity using Javascript, jQuery, CSS, Flash Actionscript and integrate to back-end data sources: XML, JSON, RSS feeds and APIs
  • Create custom PHP frameworks, custom WordPress themes and plugins, custom Magento templates, custom Shopify themes, custom Joomla templates
  • Create custom PHP/MySQL content and product management systems, custom PHP/MySQL shopping carts with SSL payment gateway integration to Chase Paymentech, PayPal, LinkPoint
  • Create custom intranet application using XAMPP and Windows COM to manage accounts, orders, invoices, fax and email notifications, shipping fleet schedules, and factory line cut sheet specs for custom window manufacturer
  • Test for cross-browser and cross-platform rendering and quality assurance

Primary Technologies: Javascript, jQuery (RIA, animations, AJAX), XHTML/HTML5, CSS2/CSS3, Flash Actionscript 2/3, PHP, MySQL, JSON, XML, WordPress, Twitter, Facebook Graph API, Google Maps API, Joomla templates, CodeIgniter MVC framework, XAMPP (LAMP for non-Linux), Magento templates, Windows XP COM, SEO

March 2002 – March 2003: Web Developer @ IBM, NYC

  • Recruited to work on Tiffany & Co. after OVEN Digital lost account
  • Primary Flash developer on Tiffany & Co. site redesign (launched 2002/11)
  • Primary developer on Tiffany & Co. extranet (DHTML, ASP, SQL)
  • Collaborate with client designers and internal team to provide novel solutions for DHTML Javascript, HTML layout, and IIS server configuration challenges

Primary Technologies: Flash Actionscript 1, Javascript, DHTML, HTML, CSS, ASP Classic/VBScript, MS-SQL, Microsoft IIS

June 2000 – March 2002: Rich-media Developer @ OVEN Digital, NYC

  • Entrusted with full responsibilities of rich-media production on high-profile clients including IBM, Tiffany & Co., TVT Records
  • Merge requirements from designers and IA to create imaginative animations and functional interactivity from storyboards and wireframes
  • Integrate flash with backend via collaboration with programmers to create dynamic flash content

Primary Technologies: Flash Actionscript 1, Flash Generator, HTML

1999 – 2000: CG Production Artist @ Lally, McFarland & Pantello, NYC

1998: Senior Graphic Designer @ World Research Group, NYC